Revival Cry Podcast
Revival Cry Podcast
Sweep out: Negative people and forgetfulness
Imagine what would have happened if the likes of Joshua and Caleb were in the majority of the delegation sent out to spy the Land? 10 positive people against 2 negative spies? Then the voice of faith would have been much louder than the voice that triggered complaining and murmuring among they people. 10 positive people among that delegation would have caused the children of Israel to arrive at their promised land 39 years, 320 days earlier. Wao!
Have you for once wondered if the infection of negativity you have suffered from which came through the voice of the negative people you listen to has caused the significant delay in your growth in Jesus? The negative voices have caused you to doubt, criticize, murmur, complain about the same thing that would have brought you years earlier into the promises of God.
I believe that it is time to be delivered from the voices of these negative people who would bring the fruit of the good of the land and at the same time raise doubts and question the demand and discipline required to go and possess the promises of God. To such people, while they agree that God is doing great things, they also come up with fears: we pray too much, we preach too long, we give too much, we don't have time to breathe, we are weary, we are tired, we cannot make it, the promises is there, the fruits of the promises are there but our stature is too small, such people do not only impart you with fear but with what I call the grasshopper mentality.
They want you to be committed like the grasshopper, hopping from place to place, they want you to be unstable like the grasshopper, they want you to consume much yet grow little like a swarm of grasshoppers which consumes much but grows sparingly. Today, you must pray your deliverance from such people otherwise, you will introduce a delay that you will regret all your life -
Acts 26:17:I will deliver you from the Jewish people, as well as from the Gentiles, to whom I now send you,
The the third trigger is Forgetfulness:Psalm 106:13-15:They soon forgot His works;They did not wait for His counsel,But lusted exceedingly in the wilderness,And tested God in the desert.And He gave them their request,But sent leanness into their soul.
We complain so much today because we have a generation that forgets too quickly. We forget those who God used to raise us up, that's why we complain so much about them. We forget the things God did in our lives, that's why complain and murmur about our conditions. We have a generation that seems to have so much, a generation that lives in abundance yet suffers anxiety, fear, worry. We have a generation with unfettered access to technology, crypto, money, excellent architectural designs, we go to the moon, to the depth of the sea, yet we struggle so much that I believe that the generation has suffered leanes of the soul like no other.
When I ask the Lord Why? The answer is simple - We forget too quickly. It is not uncommon to have people help turn their back and complain and murmur about those who God raised to help them. No wonder they experience leanness even in the midst of the abundance.
Why not pray that God will help you to remember the wonderful things God has done in your life. Why not submit to the Holy Spirit to remind you of the things that Jesus taught you. Its time to pray, dear brother, its time to pray dear sister. Sweep, sweep, sweep things out through prayers.
Pray it in dearly beloved and be blessed this morning.