Revival Cry Podcast

Receiving The Double Portion - Audio Book

T. E. Agbana

After eight years of devoted service, Elisha was known as the one who poured water on the hands of Elijah the prophet. Though his commitment was genuine and pure, he never lost sight of his greater desire: a double portion of Elijah's spirit. So focused was he on serving faithfully that even Elijah, his master, did not discern Elisha’s deeper longing until the very end.

At the River Jordan, Elijah asked, “What do you want?” And though Elisha’s request for a double portion was bold and hard to accomplish, it was granted. His persistence, humility, and spiritual ambition were rewarded.
Dearly beloved, as you listen to this book, I pray that the Spirit of Jesus will divinely position you to grasp the principles that will open the door to your own double portion. 

Each of the five powerful chapters in this book is designed to guide you closer to receiving God’s abundant blessing:
A Double Portion – Discover the secret to receiving a greater measure.
Moving God Without Words – Learn the power of silent faith 
The Challenge of Mockery – Overcome the voices that try to derail you
The Forces Behind Mockery – Understand the spiritual forces
Focus for the Double Portion – Stay aligned with God’s divine plan.

As you reflect on these life-changing principles principles, I encourage you to think about your own journey. What double portion are you seeking in your life? How can you remain dedicated, even when faced with challenges?
I pray that the Spirit of Jesus grants you the wisdom, persistence, and focus needed to unlock your own double portion. Be blessed, encouraged, and ready to receive!